Order and Tracking:
When you place an order on our store you will immediately receive a purchase confirmation email with your order number and order details. You can cancel your order or make changes to your order up to 12 hours from the time of your order. After this time frame your order will be processed for shipping as we get it ready to be sent to you. Order processing can take anywhere from 5 hours to 3 business days depending on order volumes. Once your order has been processed you will receive a shipping confirmation email.
Once your order has been scanned and is ready for tracking you will receive an additional email update containing your tracking number. Please note that sometimes it can take a day or two for your tracking information to show up even after you have received your tracking number. This is due to time between order scans and it is completely normal. We assure you it will not affect your expected delivery date.
Delivery Time:
Estimated shipping can vary from 7-15 business days from the time of processing, unless otherwise stated on a specific product page.
The main reason for this wide range is that every Country and every State/Province has different regulations for processing orders which can affect the delivery times.
Shipping Delays:
If you order has been delayed by reasons outside our control such as postal delays, COVID, Customs and various Holidays. Your delivery time may be longer than the estimated delivery time we've provided, by 30 business days or more. We will do our best to help you track down your package and ensure delivery.
How to Track Your Order:
After your order has been dispatched. You'll receive an email with your tracking number included.
You may track your order here any time: Click Here To Track Your Order
Note: If you try to track your order and it says "Information Received" that means the post office has received information about your order and is waiting for it to arrive in there facility. Please allow a few business days for this to update inside there system.
Product Sourcing:
Most of our products come from the USA.
Because we are an international company we have many different suppliers all over the world. In some cases your package may be shipped to you from another country. In any event, the shipping time is between 7 - 21 business days.
How to receive Shipping Updates:
If you have not received any shipping updates, and you are outside of the estimated delivery windows, please reach out to us. There may have been an issue with your order (wrong address, non existent or invalid email. No contact info.).
Otherwise, as soon as your order is dispatched you will get an email every stage of the way. From when its dispatched until it's delivered!
If you have any questions about our process you can always send us a message on our Contact Us Page, or on Facebook.