Be-All-End-All Spell to Remind Yourself you are the Best and Can do Anything
You will need:
- A bowl of water
- A hand mirror
Timing: Friday
The spell
- stand outdoors facing the sun or the brightest part of the sky.
- say, I am as I am and I like what I am and the earth supports me.
- Press your feet into the ground and repeat the words.
- Again say, I am as I am and I like what I am in the air uplifts me.
- raise both hands to the sky and repeat the air words
- say I am as I am and I like what I am in the water supports me. Ripley your hands in a bowl of water and repeat the water words.
- say, I am as I am and I like when I am in the fire inspires me
- pick up the mirror, smile into it, and see the fireworks again.
- now turn clockwise and all for directions and, as you do so, say, earth supports me air uplift me water flows through me and fire inspires me.
- now do something amazing you have always wanted to do but never did. This spell is done.